What is Charcot ankle?
Charcot foot, or Charcot’s arthropathy, is defined as a neuropathy induced condition which results in the weakening of the ankle joint, and ultimately the flattening of the feet. With this condition patients lose some of the protective sensations in the foot, that then leads to destruction of foot, ankle joints and surrounding bone. In some cases, patients can not feel when the foot has been injured or even punctured and this can lead to ulceration of the skin that does not heal on its own.
Charcot foot can be very severe for patients who do not seek treatment or proper medical management. When the bones, joints and soft tissues of the foot and ankle become weak, it can cause bones to break and deform the shape of the foot, leading to disability. Prevention of further destruction and deformity of the foot in the acute phase is the primary goal of treatment.